Bring Back the Mystery Schools for the Brokenhearted

I keep feeling something new trying to come through and then I get pulled back into the news and gravity of the Overculture and it retreats back into my body. This new thing feels like creating something with my hands and pulling my energy from dying systems (without turning away from suffering). It feels like building the rest of my house (my Dream Temple) and getting ready for the spring garden and it feels like chopping wood and like grounding down into my immediate reality.

It feels like faith that real relationships with the land and each other and my body is the most powerful thing I can turn my attention to, right now, in the crumbling.

I’m reading a beautiful book (which is where the picture is from) called When the Drummers Were Women - A Spiritual History of Rhythm by Layne Redmond. I have been with the feminine, learning from her, feeling her come up through the soles of my feet, learning to hold both/and and stay in liminality for years now but I’ve never sat down and read a book about the matriarchy and patriarchy and why maybe I feel all of this in my bones. Seeing it all laid out in academic terms with dates and artifacts and it’s all so clear that for most of the thousands of years of humanity we were in awe at the feet of the mystery. And God was a Woman.

And you guys know that I think flipping back to matriarchy isn’t what we need and the patriarchy, for all the fuckery, brought us many gifts but it is clear, clear, clear, that my work is to make space for Her during this time. I’m hoping for Heiros Gamos, but until then - community, relationality, paradox, the physical and emotional bodies woven together by the nervous system, and not collapsing the narrative.

My goals for 2025 (I have those now because my internal feminine is so developed that now the animus is arriving and I have shit to do and he’s super helpful) are to create as much space as I can for community, in real life and online, but not inside of the Overculture machines and I’m not quite sure how to do that yet, but so many of you have said that’s what you want too, so I’m sure we’ll work on it together. I’m also called to get back to the world - less time on zoom, and more time with the moon and garden and my hands in the Earth building the rest of my house, and it’s just me, really (but of course it’s not), so I feel like what I need is an old-fashioned barn raising and/or a lumberjack with a well-developed anima (hey, a girl can dream, and if that’s you, shoot your shot). Humans are creators and it wants to come through my body.

I want to spend the rest of my life bringing back the mystery schools for the brokenhearted. A meditation room you have to crawl into. A beehive suspended from the temple to protect the golden-bellied from the bears. A labyrinth. Holy circles of women and men. Installing a blueprint into the land.

Bring back the mystery schools for the brokenhearted.


Say Thank You to the Villain