Projector Prosperity
Align. Receive.Thrive.
Join us March 27th at 2pm EST
and unlock the Projector path to success.

In the Human Design System, Projectors make up about 20% of the population. You are here to act as guides and leaders and you do not operate according to the pace of the Overculture. Special guest teachers Adrienne Mette and Diederik Rijkens will show you that the more you rest, the more successful you become. Can this be true? We’ll provide the tools and support for you to experiment with your strategy and authority and find out for yourself.
Rest is not laziness - it is where your wisdom integrates and your magnetism grows.
Learn to spend your energy wisely to bring you natural success.
Get deeply in tune with yourself and step into your role as a leader and guide.
Learn what waiting for invitation really means, and what to do while you wait.
Master the art of showing up deeply in relationships without overgiving.
Explore how to heal, recharge and thrive as a Projector.
Discover how to magnetize recognition and alignment with less effort.
Experience success without burnout.
Decondition to attract success, relationships and opportunities.
meet your teachers and guides
I’m your host Robin Lassiter. After years of burnout, I took the leap to come into alignment as a 2/5 Projector and have been living the experiment. I am now experiencing success, all while working less and resting more. (Yes, it’s possible, and yes I know what a big leap of faith that is!) I am a teacher, author, podcaster and coach, and am finding that Projectors in particular can greatly benefit from learning about the Human Design System. I’ve brought Adrienne and Diederik together to guide and support you as a Projector, or to help you better support the Projectors in your life.
My name is Adrienne Mette. I am 1/3 Manifesting Generator, who specializes in Step System Astrology, Cards of Truth and Human Design. I bring my expertise around the Projector strategy of waiting for an invitation, and the five different kinds of authority a Projector can have. I will support you with information through the lens of Primary Health System (PHS) - how we digest food and information - and how the Environment can support the body. We’ll also explore the “Not Self Theme” of bitterness, and what success can look like for Projectors in alignment.
I’m Diederik Rijkens, a 5/1 Projector, Human Design expert and transformational coach. I am here to help you understand how to realistically work in the world to align your career and make money as a Projector. We will also explore how you can best engage with family and relationships, and truly be recognized for your gifts. I want to give you permission to embrace your design, rest more, and come into deep alignment with your purpose and passion as a Projector.

This class is for you if:
You’re a Projector who is just learning about Human Design.
You’re a Projector who’s been experimenting with your Type and Strategy and want to go deeper.
You have a Projector in your life and want to learn how to best support them.